New Zealand UFO/UAP Sightings 2023

All sightings, photographs, drawings and articles are © Ufocus NZ.

The extent of our investigation and analysis of sighting reports is dependent upon the data received, and the length of time elapsed between the sighting event and the receipt of a report.  If applicable, additional comments are made at the bottom of a report.

Date: June 2023

Time: Unknown, late afternoon

Location: Feilding, North Island

Features/characteristics: Disc-shaped object


Three witnesses were driving from Feilding to Marton through the countryside, when they observed a disc-shaped object, like a child’s spinning top, hovering above an adjacent hill.  It briefly moved out of view beyond a line of macrocarpa trees.  The witnesses proceeded to a corner and on turning right they were able to see the object again.   The afternoon light was beginning to fade and blue lights were visible on the top of the object, which was gun-metal grey in colour.  They stopped their car and observed it briefly until traffic came up behind them, and the driver became fearful of the situation and sped off along the winding road.  The object was lost from view.

The reporting witness, the driver, described it as both an unnerving and a spiritual situation combined.  He is sure other drivers behind them may have seen the object too.

Date: Wednesday 12 April 2023

Time: 2.31 am

Location: Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, North Island

Features/characteristics: Airborne, bright, white glowing object


Clear night with good visibility. Duration of sighting approx. 3-4 seconds.

The witness observed an intense bright white object travelling airborne down a rural valley on Cricklewood Road.  He estimated it to be at an altitude of approx. 200 metres, and approx. 6 metres in diameter.  The glowing object was completely silent, moving fast, and the light was consistent (without flaring).

Date: Sunday 26 March 2023

Time: 2 am

Location: Mangapai, Whangarei, North Island

Features/characteristics: Long, ‘ruler-like,’ glowing object


Slightly cloudy weather; no moon.  Duration of sighting approx. 4 seconds.

The witness, a former pilot, stated:

“I had woken up and was quite hot, so stepped out onto our balcony, which faces approximately NE, to take in some cool air. We live on the crest of a hill.  I was looking out towards Whangarei Heads when in the corner of my eye, I saw this very unusual light source behaving as though it was descending to Earth, but it had a very strange shape.

I have seen meteor showers before but never anything like this. If you can imagine a 300 millimetre ruler which is about 25 to 30 millimetres wide, then that was the approximate shape of the object. Being a pilot and understanding aerodynamic forces at play, it was obvious this was not conforming to normal physics. This object was defying all logic.

Instead of entering longitudinally as would be expected, it traveled through the sky transversally, that is, at right angles to what one would expect it to be oriented. By way of example, one could consider a bus or train carriage traveling sideways instead of forward as one would expect. As this object travelled from a position high in the sky down towards the Earth, it left a small trail along its entire length in much the way a comet would, only much shorter. It descended to what I estimate was 6 fingers width AGL before disappearing. There was no sound, and the motion was quite slow compared to a normal comet (or meteorite). It gave off quite a bright light for its entire travers.

To get an idea of its length, I would estimate that it was equivalent to 2.5 thumbs at arm’s length.”

Witness’s drawing

Date: Monday 27 February 2023

Time: 8.39 pm

Location: State Highway 3 – Waitara to New Plymouth, Taranaki, North Island

Features/characteristics: Large, dark object moving at speed


The witness was driving alone on Highway 3, just on sunset, heading to New Plymouth. He was startled to see a “massive” black object emerge from clouds and descend at speed, rapidly disappearing beyond a treeline.

As the sighting was sudden and brief, he did not discern a shape, but described it as looking like

“a splash of black water in the sky or a giant chunk of dark rock”.

He immediately pulled over and stopped the car, expecting the object to impact the earth in the distance, however, there was no impact, sonic boom or sound at all. He sat for 10 minutes gathering his thoughts, realizing the object was flying, rather than falling.

The witness estimated the object was some 15 kilometres away from him, and large.